永恒之柱2CE修改及使用方法 永恒之柱2怎么修改CE

发布时间:2022-01-01 11:57:23阅读:11607





Options so far:

(上帝模式,各种)Damage Modifier (God Mode, One Hit Kill, Enemy Damage Multiplier, Hero Damage Multiplier)

(技能无CD)No Ability Cooldown or Resources Used

(复制物品)Clone Items (Move An Item First Before Enabling)

(升级给的技能点)Ability Point Modifier On Level Up

(成就)Keep Achievements Enabled When Using Console Commands

(经验)Maximum Power Level

(钱)Pointers to Money

(属性点)Pointers to Character Creation Total Attribute Points and Maximum Stat Attribute

(技能点)Character Editor (View Character Sheet to Update Pointer)

I might add more things if I can come up with anything else. Enjoy!



I am trying a different approach for enabling and some other options because many are saying the table is not working for them. It must be assert that is causing the issue. Try this EDIT 1 table and let me know if it works any better. I'm using aobscanregion and some compile methods with this version.


I put in some pointers for Current Level and also came up with an Ability Point modifier on level up, but it is kind of complicated to use. You appear to gain a power level every 2 levels. In order to be able to complete the level up, you set the amount to half of the total number of abilities minus 2. So for example if total abilities you can get at that level is 8, 8-2 is 6 and divide that by 2 equals 3. This is so you can get abilities left over on the next level up that doesn't unlock a power level. Anyway, it is technically possible to get all skills this way, but requires you to change the number accordingly. You all might also be able to work out how to delevel and get abilities that way also.

EDIT 2.5:

I found a way to improve the Ability Points. This time I have pointers to the ability points you have and you can edit as necessary to select abilities and be able to complete the level up also. I'm removing EDIT 2.


I figured out how to keep achievements enabled when using the command Iroll20s. This also allows you to update the flag if you ran the option without this cheat enabled. Iroll20s is what updates the pointer.

EDIT 3.5:

I found an option to set the Maximum Power Level when leveling up (9) for both single class and multiclass.
